Our values are what we believe in - they guide what we do on a day to day basis. Sometimes a company’s values can sound a bit like corporate mumbo jumbo, so we've also translated it into everyday language.
We give back to our communities
Translation: We look after the locals.
We take seriously the responsibilities that come with being a leader. We help our customers build better communities, support RMHC®, and leverage our size, scope and resources to help make the world a better place. We are committed to sustainable business practices and are determined to conduct our operations in a manner that does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

We grow our business profitably
Translation: Sure we're here to make dollars, but that's what keeps 90,000 of us in a job.
Our stakeholders support our ability to serve our customers. In return, we work to provide sustained, profitable growth for all members of our system and our investors.

We believe in the McDonald's System
Translation: You, the person that runs your restaurant, and the guy that delivers the buns are all equally important
McDonald’s business model, depicted by the “three-legged stool” of owner/operators, suppliers, and company employees, is our foundation, and the balance of interests among the three groups is key.

We strive continually to improve
Translation: We want to take pole position in every race
We consider ourselves a learning organisation that is green and growing which anticipates and responds to changing customer, employee, system and community needs through constant evolution and innovation.

We operate our business ethical
Translation: We give everyone a fair go, and tell it like it is
Sound ethics is good business. At McDonald’s, we hold ourselves and conduct our business to the highest possible standards of fairness, honesty, and integrity. We are individually accountable and collectively responsible.

We place the customer experience at the core of all we do
Translation: We treat every customer like a celebrity
Our customers are the reason for our existence. We demonstrate our appreciation by providing them with high quality food and superior service, in a clean, welcoming environment, at great value. Our goal is outstanding QSC&V for each customer every time.

We are committed to our people
Translation: Macca's cares about you
We provide opportunity, recognise talent, and develop leaders. We believe that a diverse team of well-trained individuals working together in an environment that fosters respect and drives high levels of engagement is essential to our continued success.